I am toying with the ideas of doing a series of webinars on some of the topics we talk about here at Productivity501. The idea would be to bring in some experts for 30 to 45 minute live discussions on particular topics. What do you think? Is this something that would interest you and if so what topics would you like to see covered? (Also if you can recommend a particular webinar product, I’d love to hear what you have found works well for you.)
Have you ever heard of an ITIL assessment?
How about an Life assessment using a cool spreadsheet?
I’m not familiar with ITIL. What does it stand for?
I am always game for gaining new insight and exposing myself to new ideals, so sure I would attend if time permits. Thanks
I’m not sure if this is the site, but some ideas on how to help people overcome the intimidation factor would be great. I’m 30. My job title is Technical Sales Coordinator. I’m the SME on all of the applications that the sales reps have to use and they’re supposed to come to me with questions. They’re all in their late 30s/early 40s. Most of them still can’t open an attachment, upload a file, browse folders to find a file, or label the document they’re scanning. They come to me when the printer says it’s out of ink. They actually tell me that they’re too old to learn all these “techie” things. The only person I don’t have to help is a lady in her 60s because she is amazing. She is an excel wiz. She helped me solve a multi-point pairing issue I was having with my blue tooth. She teaches me things all the time. My wife is 24. She’s traveled the world on her own. She moved across country on her own to pursue a career with a certain company and after a year and 5 interviews with that company, she got her dream job. She gives presentations to groups of all sizes. She’s also an amazing artist who tries all kinds of new mediums. Yet she’s afraid to try cooking for us, or cleaning the house because she’s convinced herself that she won’t be able to do a good job. She can perfectly describe a small italian village that she visited once, but she still can’t figure out how to drive to the store and get back home without getting lost even though we’ve lived here for 6 months. What is this mental block that some people have? How can I help people overcome this? THAT would be a topic I’d like to learn about.
ITIL = Information Technology Information Library. It’s a best practice library for IT organisations, owned by the UK Govt. Part of the process of implementing them involves an assessment of current state.
I’m guessing Scott is thinking of an assessment for people to compare their personal productivity to a best practice state. Good idea I think.
I think webinars would be a good idea BTW.
I’d love to participate. No special topics for the time being…
A good one would be by Dr. Caroline Leaf; her book Who Switched Off My Brain. It is amazing to understand the pathway of our thoughts and how they affect our mind/body connection. It’s so interesting how our thoughts release healthy or unhealthy biochemicals that bring us down or energize us. Why we must choose to get rid of a toxic thought before it gets in our long term memory. Because memories are built by a thought plus an emotion and it can last your life time. Then how this all affects our vital organs and immune system etc. Everyone could get a lot out of this. I could go on endlessly but won’t. Give it some thought (no pun intended.)