Everyone has a different point in their day where they are most productive. Sometimes you can create a productive block of time to work by paying attention to how your body functions and what it takes to get you to peak performance.
Many of the most productive people in the world do a great deal of work before others even wake up. I am not naturally a morning person, but I’ve found that capturing morning hours can be very very productive. If I get up early and start working at 5, I can be three or four hours into my day before the rest of the world even starts logging on to their computers.
It can be hard to be fully functional at five in the morning if you aren’t geared that way naturally.
But with a little effort you can learn what it takes to get you quickly to your peak performance. For me, if I get up, spend 15 to 30 minutes exercising, eat something healthy and then take a shower, I’ll be pretty much at my peak. If it is dark outside, making sure that I’m in a well lit area helps, as well.
Personally, the exercising thing works pretty well to clear my head and get me back where I can focus. If I exercise again in the late afternoon, I’m good for another 4 or 6 hours of work. For some people, they may be able to get to their peak productivity by drinking a cup of coffee or taking a shower with caffeinated soap (I’m not joking. It is really a product.)
The point is to figure out what you have to do to make your mind work at its best. This may take some time experimenting to find out what works best, but the results are well worth it.
Originally published June 5, 2oo7.
Great tip, Mark. I just think that you must eat before exercising. It’s more healthy. And, if you can, take a cold shower. A cold shower gives you more energy for the rest of the day!
Good point on eating. I don’t know if I can handle the cold shower idea though! :)
Mark…That’s a really good point about making sure it’s well lit. Especially if it’s early and dark. The coffee thing will give you a sudden drop in productivity after the peak. You would be better off with a green tea or similar.
I wonder about that caffeinated soap. It seems like money down the drain.
{ducks and runs…}