If you are still shuffling files back and forth on floppies, USB drives or CDs it is well worth your time to investigate other options. The investment in figuring out how to share files over the network in your home or office will save you a tremendous amount of time in the future. Here are two useful articles on setting up sharing. One for OS X and one for Windows.
Rob Commins says
The next phase of this will be the extintion of sending gargantuan enclosures as email attachments. I cringe every time I see a 8MB PowerPoint file being sent to my whole department. There are so many reasons this is wrong . . .
Adrian says
I haven’t yet seen a way of using the network to get network drivers onto machines, and carrying a portable drive with 20G of disk image is in many cases faster and more reliable than trying to transmit them.
There’s a lot of truth in the saying: Never under estimate the bandwidth of a car-boot full of tapes.
Mark Shead says
@Adrian – Good point. There are some things that are going to be faster by moving media. However for most people who are moving Powerpoints and Word documents around, the small investment in learning how to share between two computers is well worth the investment.
Gene says
FedEx can ship more data overnight than any other medium.
Mike says
Flash drives work when the network (or ISP) is down, and you don’t have to worry if the server/site you store your files on is secure.