Here is a collection of some random questions that have come in, either by email or search terms that brought people to this site. The run the gamut from banks to bullets and cover a lot of area in between. If you have questions you’d like to see answered, please send them to [email protected].
Why do banks fail?
In the US, banks fail when the FDIC decides they are under-capitalized and force them to sell to another company. This happens when a company makes a bunch of loans that go bad. Much of the current financial crisis was brought on by banks investing in complex investments in mortgages that turned out to be much more risky than originally thought.
Why create a paperless office?
A paperless office is very useful if you travel a lot and need to have your documents with you. It is also convenient if you need to conserve on space, want to be able to quickly search through your documents or need to share your documents with people who are in different locations.
Why is it good to use credit cards?
One of the biggest benefits of using a credit card is to avoid fraud. You have significantly more protection with a credit card than with a debit card or checking account. Obviously if you have trouble making disciplined financial decisions the dangers outweigh the benefits.
Why should you use an HSA?
A health savings account is kind of like an IRA, but it lets you take out money for health care expenses. It gives you an easy way to pay for health care costs with pretax money. Employers like health savings accounts because they can sometimes increase the deductible and lower their cost without making things any more expensive for their employees by making a contribution to each employee’s HSA. Unlike some of the older flex spending accounts, HSAs roll over from year to year–you don’t lose your money at the end of the year if you don’t spend it.
Can I really go 100% paperless?
Yes it is possible. No, it probably isn’t cost effective. You can set up a reasonable paperless office for under $1,000. However there are still some documents that just make sense to keep in paper form. I’d say it is easy to get to being 98% paper free in your record keeping. The remaining 2% isn’t worth the effort or inconvenience.
Why don’t bosses let you work from home?
The concern that most bosses have is that you won’t work as effectively from home as you would from the office. They also may be concerned that you will spend too much time trying to get the remote access technology to work and further decrease your productivity. If you actively anticipate your boss’s concerns, you may be able to make a stronger case and convince your boss to let you work from home.
Why can’t I memorize?
If you can’t seem to remember something, it is because you don’t consider it memorable or worth remembering. If you can make it absurd, funny or strange, you stand a better chance of remembering it. Also if you can find a way of practicing recalling the information–not just rereading it.
Why can’t I buy bullets?
Maybe because you don’t look like someone who should be buying bullets? Actually, I don’t know. In most states you can. We seem to be more concerned about people buying decongestant and paint than ammunition. Some states may require you to be over a certain age to buy bullets–just to make sure you are old enough to be responsible for your actions and not do something stupid.
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