Thirteen Tips for Actually Getting Some Writing Done-The Happiness Project
This post offers some practical advice for those that want to be organized about their writing schedule, as well as those that feel “burnt out” after writing.
Make Your Yard Look Like Wrigley Field-The Art of Manliness
Getting your yard to look decent can be a chore, and mowing isn’t always everyone’s favorite of the chores on the weekly “to-do” list. However, this article has some fun and interesting tips to help you make your yard look like it belongs in a stadium.
Some Thoughts on Angel Food Ministries-The Simple Dollar
Because of the recent economic downturn, this article might contain some useful information for those that wish to save money on groceries. Though, as the author points out, this service may not be beneficial to everyone, it is worth a look.
How to Nail an Interview: 20 Job Interview Tips-Get Rich Slowly
For those that are recent college grads or anyone in search of a job, interview time is now more critical than ever. With the job market becoming more competitive by the day, the tips provided in this article could be very valuable information.
Survive the Bear Market: 10 Steps To Ride the Downturn-Wise Bread
Times of economic distress call for money saving measures, but the advice in this article also applies in any time. Saving and analyzing finances are never bad ideas.
Increase your productivity with keyboard shortcuts-Unclutterer
Using the keyboard for your most of your computer input can really speed up many processes. This helpful article provides information on how to set up your Mac or PC to help you be more efficient.
How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle When You’re Too Busy To Care-Dumb Little Man
Good intentions for living a healthy lifestyle can fall by the wayside when life gets hectic. This post offers some tips to help prepare you to keep your good habits when life throws you a curve ball.
The Power of Typography in Design-FreelanceSwitch
Graphic designers everywhere know that their work must be appropriate for the audience while containing enough variety to make the piece interesting to a reader. This article focuses on the affect that typography can have on the viewer.
Forget Saving . . . 25 Places to Look for Spare Change-Wise Bread
This post provides a list of interesting places in which to look for spare change. An interesting read even if you don’t plan on scouring the house for coins . . .
55 Ways to Get More Energy-Zen Habits
Sometimes fatigue strikes at the most inopportune times. This articles gives several helpful tips on the subject of increasing one’s energy levels.
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