I’ve discovered a great feed reader for linux called Liferea (short for LInux FEed REAder). One of the best things about it, is not only does it show the articles from the feed you are subscribed to, it also shows the comments. Does anyone know of a web based reader that does this?
I would have to recommend Feedly, I’m replying through it now. It manages all your feeds (including importing from Google Reader and it also monitors Twitter and shows your Twitter feeds in the digest and Twitter trending for any subject tabs you set up. There is also a Firefox toolbar for Feedly.
I’ve actually been using Liferea for a while now, and I’m still mostly happy with it. It runs a little slow, and, as I just learned, you cannot reply to comments on it (unless I just didn’t see something). At this point, I don’t switch out of laziness. But it does keep everything organized. Is there a specific reason you want to use a web-based reader (flexibility perhaps?)?