When working with someone from another country it is easy to forget that they will probably have a different holiday schedule than what you are used to. If you hire a remote executive assistant, make sure you get a list of their holidays. It helps with your planning and is a great way to better understand their culture.
Dead on observation, Mark. For instance, Indians not only have a whole different religious holiday schedule, but in many companies, you work on Saturdays and get every second Saturday of the month off.
Furthermore, days like Christmas are *not” necessarily a holiday, which is why it might be smart to find out your assistants faith (without being intrusive about it).
The people I’ve worked with in other countries generally have Christmas off–regardless of their faith. It may have to do with so many things being shut down in other parts of the world that it makes sense to go ahead and take the day off.
I’ve heard of the every seconds Saturday thing, but I haven’t run into it with any of the companies I’ve worked with.