As a follow up to this mornings post, I wanted to show you a video of a new alarm clock called Clocky. It was developed by some students at MIT. The video will give you a good idea of how it works, but basically when the time comes, it shrieks, jumps off your night stand and starts running around the room making R2D2 noises.
The idea is that you have to get up to turn it off. On the positive side of things, it will make you get up and move around a bit so you’ll be awake. On the negative side, it may put you in a very bad mood. I heard that someone was designing something similar that would fly above your bed until you swat it down. Waking up to a giant electronic insect isn’t my idea of waking up right.
A small two wheeled robot running around the floor sounds only marginally better, but I suppose if it gets you out of bed on time, it might be well worth any annoyance. Missing important meetings is probably going to put you in a worse mood than a run around your bedroom first thing in the morning.
Has anyone actually used one of these things? What did you think of it? How did it
No way would I have this thing in my house!
It IS a little creepy when you think about it. :)
What I do is, putting the buzzer as far as I could in my room. by that, I ‘hope’ I walk to turn it off. Most of the time, I simply turned it off and go to sleep again :)
As dull and unimaginative as it sounds, I use an alarm clock, set to the correct time, and wake up when it goes off. I I get out of bed and turn it off. No tricks, no “strategeries”, I just set it to when I need to wake up, and get up when it rings. It did take a while to get into this habit, but after about the first week of initial grumbling, it just became how I started my day. The hard part is going to sleep when I’m supposed to. ;-)