Quick Tip: If you are looking at getting a new computer, make sure it will really benefit you. Often simply increasing the RAM and reinstalling the OS will make your machine much faster at a fraction of the cost of a new one.
Pieces of the productivity puzzle.
Very true! Also, if you’re using Windows, it’s not a bad idea to avoid the rush to upgrade to Vista. Back up your hard drive, reinstall the OS and software to go along with that new RAM. I’m also experimenting with moving to Ubuntu Linux — it runs much more efficiently than Windows and requires much less in the way of system resources. You can experiment by starting with a live cd that doesn’t require a lot of work to see the benefits of Ubuntu…
Keep up the great work, Mark!
Yes. I agree. Just upgrade your RAM. Back-up the HD, Format the HD and reinstall everything. It’ll be like a new computer. If you need more space get a bigger HD while you’re at it. Theres no need to get a new computer unless its really old, like early 2000’s.
Rid out of windows and get ubuntu will get you PC faster and cheaper!