Some experiments seems to suggest that using a cell phone before going to bed can make it more difficult to fall asleep. It seems that the radio waves can mess with the mind and excite it. The effect is fairly subtle and is about equivalent to drinking half a cup of coffee, but still something to consider if you are having trouble going to sleep.
I will have to add that to my list of things not to do before going to bed! I’m one of those people who has to avoid caffeine after lunch time ;-)
it may not make a big difference, but if you have trouble sleeping every little thing helps. If you need to talk on the phone you might be able to get by with a headset of some type.
Interesting point Mark – do you have a link or cite?
@James – It was in the most recent issue of Scientific America or Mind. I don’t remember which and I don’t have them handy.
No worries Mark – I’ll see if I can find it
I read that issue. It’s in the August/September 2008 Scientific American Mind.
Or it could be that participating in experiments before bed makes sleeping more difficult?