Consider adding Productivity501 as a friend on StumbleUpon. … [Read more...] about Productivity501 on StumbleUpon
Good Bookshelves
Quick Tip: When buying bookshelves beware of particle board shelves. They are usually decorative and not designed to hold the weight of real books. After a few months they will bow and eventually dump your books on the floor. You can sometimes glue or screw a board to the bottom of each shelf to improve its strength, but solid wood is a better option. … [Read more...] about Good Bookshelves
Jumpstart Creativity at the Library
Quick Tip: When you need an injection of creativity, consider spending an hour browsing your local library. I find that the change in environment and letting my mind explore whatever it feels like is a great way to great way to get into a creative mindset. … [Read more...] about Jumpstart Creativity at the Library
Productivity Family Tree
Mike Pierre wrote a cute post at that mentions this site. I'm listed as the "up-and-coming son" with the "arguably most stylish productivity website". … [Read more...] about Productivity Family Tree
Cleaning Supplies
Quick Tip: Keeping a rag and bottle of Windex near your desk can make it much easier to keep your work area clean. … [Read more...] about Cleaning Supplies
Handheld Copy Machine
Quick Tip: A digital camera can serve as a simple hand held copy machine. If you need a copy of a rebate before mailing it in, just snap a photo. Want a copy of a deposit before mailing it off? Grab your camera. … [Read more...] about Handheld Copy Machine
Simple Todo List
There are many different ways to manage your todo list. I am currently having the most luck with a single sheet of paper placed in the center of my desk. I draw a line across the middle. The things above the the line are the things I must complete. The things below are the other items I think of during the day. I write big so I can only fit a finite number of items on the page. For right now this is working very well. … [Read more...] about Simple Todo List
Vote Again
With well over 3,000 votes in the Organization category, we are ready to move on to the Personal Development section. So take a few minutes to vote for your favorite answers. You just select a question that looks interesting and then select the best answer from the two presented. When you stop seeing any new interesting answers, just move on to another question. … [Read more...] about Vote Again
Vote: Best Organization Tip
We have been interviewing a number of people for their best tips in a number of areas. Now we need your help to vote for the best tip. Select a question from the list and vote for the best answer. They answers you are show are selected at random so once you start to see a bunch of repeats, move on to another question. … [Read more...] about Vote: Best Organization Tip
Simple Timesaver
When you need new socks, get rid of all the old ones and just buy all the same type. It is much easier to match if all of the white socks match each other and all of your dark socks match each other. … [Read more...] about Simple Timesaver
Simple Tip
When buying electronics, try to get items that can be charged using a standard USB cable. It makes it a lot easier to travel when one charger fits multiple devices. … [Read more...] about Simple Tip
Breaking the Internet
I just saw a video where someone explained that typing Google into Google can "break the internet". I sent the link to my dad and then went and tried it at Google. I immediately (I'm not joking) got a message from my remote executive assistant saying that her internet was down. I think I broke the internet in India. Sorry about that everyone. … [Read more...] about Breaking the Internet
Plaxo Question
Has anyone found a good way to sync Plaxo (an online addressbook) with a Blackberry over the air? Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful. … [Read more...] about Plaxo Question
I've been busy working on a new set of interviews with over 100 different people. I'm pretty excited about how this is turning out. We'll have some more on this late on the week. … [Read more...] about Interviews
Productivity501 on Stumble Upon
Consider adding Productivity501 as a friend on StumbleUpon. … [Read more...] about Productivity501 on Stumble Upon
As I mentioned before, we are doing a series of interviews for Productivity501. However to help make things a bit more interactive, I'd like some help in determining which tips are the best. If you have a few minutes take a look at this question and answers about the most useful gadget. You'll see two answers. Simply click on the vote button for the one you think is the best answer. You can do this as many times as you like. Once we get a number of votes, we'll publish the results. … [Read more...] about Vote!
American Express Concierge Employees
We've had some interesting comments from former and current AMEX concierge employees. Worth reading if you are thinking of using their service. … [Read more...] about American Express Concierge Employees
Large and Multiple Monitor Study
Study from about productivity and larger monitors (pdf start on page 31). NPR interview regarding study. In particular the NPR interview is well worth the time. … [Read more...] about Large and Multiple Monitor Study
Some Online Tools
Rajesh pointed me to Jiffle a web based program for scheduling meetings that integrates with Outlook and Google Calendar. One of the more interesting uses is allowing customers to directly schedule and appointment when you whenever you are free. It looks like it provides many of the features of an Exchange server--without the server. Louise wrote to tell me about PassPack an online password manager. It will let you autologin to your saved sites and will generate passwords for you. … [Read more...] about Some Online Tools
Bigger Monitors
WSJ has a post referencing a study showing that people with a 24 inch monitor were 44% faster than people with 18 inch monitors on a particular set of tasks. They said that performance started to go down again when given 26 inch monitors. I find that most people don't really know how to use a big monitor--especially with Windows. I've watch a lot of people open an application and maximize it regardless of how big their screen is. Then they jump back and forth between screens just like they would with a smaller monitor. You have to learn how to get the most productivity out of a bigger monitor--especially if you are in the habit of working with a smaller computer screen. This is … [Read more...] about Bigger Monitors
Noise Canceling Headsets
Many years ago, I was reading a popular science article reviewing the first noise canceling headsets. (Noise cancellation is done by creating a sound wave exactly the opposite of the ambient noise so the two waves cancel each other out and you hear silence.) The reviewer noted that he had no jet lag when wearing the headset on a long flight. Has anyone experienced this? … [Read more...] about Noise Canceling Headsets
International Holidays
When working with someone from another country it is easy to forget that they will probably have a different holiday schedule than what you are used to. If you hire a remote executive assistant, make sure you get a list of their holidays. It helps with your planning and is a great way to better understand their culture. … [Read more...] about International Holidays
Looking for Bloggers to Interview
I'm working on a new set of interviews on various productivity and life management topics and I'm looking for bloggers who would like to participate. We will then publish all the answers to a particular question together along with the name, website, and RSS feed of the person who contributed each answer. This can be a great way to highlight your website and your writing. You choose which questions you want to answer, so it only takes a few minutes to participate. If you are interested in participating, send an email to [email protected] with the subject interview and a link to your website. … [Read more...] about Looking for Bloggers to Interview
Brook Sounds are Quite Popular
Yesterday I posted an MP3 that I use to give me ambient noise. The audio is the sound of a brook. Evidently brook sounds are very popular. Here is what my outgoing traffic looked like for the past few days. The blue line is my outgoing traffic, which suddenly jumped when it was posted. It looks like a couple thousand people downloaded the file. If you were one of the ones who downloaded it, please give me some feedback on whether it was useful or not. I've got a few other ones with different sounds that I'm thinking about releasing and I'd like to know what was good or bad about the way this one worked. If you didn't download it and want to check it out, the link is in the bottom … [Read more...] about Brook Sounds are Quite Popular
Leo’s Desk
Leo Babauta talks about his minimalistic home office setup. … [Read more...] about Leo’s Desk
No Refund
If you live in the US, today is the day your personal taxes are due. It is also a good time to take a look and consider whether or not you got a refund. If you got more than a couple hundred dollars back beyond the economic stimulus payment, it is a sign you need to adjust your deductions. Don't get excited when you get money back. It simply means you've over paid and gave the government an interest free loan. Your HR department should be able to help you readjust your deductions. … [Read more...] about No Refund
Commercial Memory Application
Jeff wrote in to say that he has a created a commercial memorization application based on the technique and tool I demonstrated in the How to Memorize post. … [Read more...] about Commercial Memory Application
Mac Audio Input
If you try to use your Mac for Skype you'll probably want to get a headset microphone some time. Be aware that Macs don't actually have a microphone input. They have a line in input. This means with most microphones the signal will be too soft. You can get around this problem by getting a USB headset or some type of preamp. Hopefully this little bit of knowledge will save some readers a few hours of time and 3 or 4 trips to Radio Shack. (I speak from experience on this.) … [Read more...] about Mac Audio Input
QWERTY vs. Dvorak
An article about standards and another from both look at the comparison between Dvorak and QWERTY keyboards and suggests that there is a less of a difference than is commonly advertised. Of particular interest is the look at how the research was conducted for the Dvorak layouts. … [Read more...] about QWERTY vs. Dvorak
Adapx is another company selling a digital pen. This one converts your writing into computer text. … [Read more...] about Adapx
Mindnode – Mind Mapping Software
If you have OS X 10.5 and are looking for a simple free mind mapping program, take a look at Mindnode. It is very basic, but that helps keep things very simple. If you want a good introduction to the mind mapping process, you should take a look at this book. … [Read more...] about Mindnode – Mind Mapping Software
Podcasting Conference
I'm attending a day long conference of educators talking about podcasting at Kansas University today. At lunch it was very interesting to hear the professors talking about how their students approach to learning has changed after coming out of No Child Left Behind style education. They felt that current students tend to take much less responsibility for learning than students from 3 or 4 years ago. One teacher said he had 5 students go to the dean because they had attended every one of his lectures and didn't understand how they got an F in the class. Their grades were evidently less impressive than their attendance records. … [Read more...] about Podcasting Conference
Live Scribe
If Live Scribe works as well as their demo it will be an incredible tool. It was supposed to ship in March. Does anyone actually have one of these? … [Read more...] about Live Scribe
Darren gets Control of his Email
Darren at Problogger talks about the changes he has made to manage his email. Basically he moved everything to Gmail. I like the idea of keeping the archives around, but I don't know if I'd want to trust Gmail with the only copy of all my messages. … [Read more...] about Darren gets Control of his Email
Big Monitor, Big Mouse Pad
If you get a large monitor, consider getting a larger mouse pad as well. It will help you navigate the larger screen without requiring that you pick the mouse up and move it. … [Read more...] about Big Monitor, Big Mouse Pad
Popular Post: How to Memorize
How to Memorize Verbatim Text has been our most popular post for the past month. If you missed it, be sure check it out--particularly the Javascript tool toward the bottom. You type in the text you want to memorize and it gives you a "cheat sheet" to help with the process. … [Read more...] about Popular Post: How to Memorize
Binge Productivity
Glen at LifeDev writes about how is is trying out Binge Productivity. Instead of dealing with a big todo list, he is working on whatever project he wants for as long as he wants. If you have the flexibility to work like this, it can be a great way to take advantage of the intense focus that comes from getting into your work zone. … [Read more...] about Binge Productivity
Fruitful Time
Gaetano sent me a link to screen shots of his companies application FruitfulTime. It is a windows based task management system. … [Read more...] about Fruitful Time
Fixing the Mighty Mouse Finger Ball
Apple's Mighty Mouse works reasonably well, but they didn't provide a way to clean the finger ball. If the ball stops working it is probably because of dirt. Sometimes you can fix it by turning off the mouse and pressing down on the ball very hard with your thumb. Move it forward, backwards, and side to side. So for this has worked for me in dislodging the internal dirt and getting it working again. … [Read more...] about Fixing the Mighty Mouse Finger Ball
Praise for the Procrastination Prevention Course
Since its release the Procrastination Prevention course has quickly gained over 550 users. Here is what some of them are saying: Thank you so much for these Procrastination Prevention emails, they have been very interesting and useful. Changing one small thing has had profound effects and I feel much less likely to procrastinate in the future now I have tools like the 5 minute contract to hand! - Dianne … [Read more...] about Praise for the Procrastination Prevention Course
Reader Questions
If you have any questions you'd like to see answered on Productivity501, remember to send them to [email protected]. … [Read more...] about Reader Questions
Resume Template
If you need to brush up your resume, consider giving the design a facelift. The link includes a Word template and a detailed explanation of the design. … [Read more...] about Resume Template
Two Types of Technology
Two Types of Technology Users - One of the first posts from Productivity501. Which type of user are you? … [Read more...] about Two Types of Technology
Google App Platform
Google is going to let developers write applications that run on Google's infrastructure. This means we will probably see a flood of applications like Google Apps over the next year or so. … [Read more...] about Google App Platform
Steve Rubel tries outsourcing some tasks as an experiment. … [Read more...] about Lifesourcing
Facebook Isn't Private - If you use social networking, you should read this post by Legal Andrew. Most of us skip over the TOS acceptance screen, but this is a good remind about the types of things you've agreed to. … [Read more...] about Facebook
Delays with Email
Outgoing messages may be delayed from Gmail or Google Apps. If you send an important message you may want to followup up by phone or ask for confirmation. … [Read more...] about Delays with Email
Email Related Links
Free Exchange accounts with mobile sync from Mail2Web Consolidate email addresses to Gmail. Gmail importer - Not sure why you wouldn't just use IMAP. … [Read more...] about Email Related Links
GTDInbox is a firefox plugin designed to turn your Gmail emails into prioritized tasks. … [Read more...] about GTDInbox
Summer School
Harvard Summer School is a great way to spend 8 weeks this summer. It isn't just for college age students. When I was there in 2004 there were quite a few people my age and older taking classes for continuing education or working on second degrees. … [Read more...] about Summer School