We haven't had a television for around 5 years. Tonight I was thinking about watching the Presidential debates and considered a few ways I could watch it (webcasting, etc.). Once the debates were over I looked for some summaries online. Then it hit me. That 32 inch black thing mounted on the wall behind me in my hotel room was perfectly suited for watching the debates. I'm so use to not turning on a TV that I overlooked the fact that there was one right behind me. … [Read more...] about Not Used to Television
Thoughts on the Bailout
If the bailout doesn't happen, I will probably lose money. However, I am still not in favor of the proposed bailout. Why? Because I would rather lose money over the next 3 or 4 years in order to keep my country strong over the next 10 to 50. The last time we heard this much talk about the bad things that would happen if we did nothing, we went to war in Iraq. It now seems that the "bad stuff" that was suppose to happen if we didn't go to war was overrated and based on faulty information. My guess is that this is happening again. It seems to me that the long term damage from a bailout is likely to be worse than the shorter term damage (if any) of not passing the bailout. But what do … [Read more...] about Thoughts on the Bailout
Vote for best answers
We have some new interviews online. You can help by voting the the answer that you think is the best. When we publish the interview the highest rated questions make the top of the list. … [Read more...] about Vote for best answers
Books I’m Reading
I just finished Never Eat Alone (a book on how to network with people) and would highly recommend it. I'm also half way through Work the System by Sam Carpenter (a book in the style of The 4 Hour Work Week) and just starting Brain Rules by John Medina. (These two books were given to me in hopes of a review, but they look pretty good so far.) Another book I recently read and recommend is Physics of the Impossible. … [Read more...] about Books I’m Reading
Travel Tip: Create a Checklist
If you travel a lot, it can be helpful to create a checklist of items you need to take with you. This lets you perform the decision making process once, instead of repeating it again each time you go on a trip. Obviously you may need to tailor your plans to match a particular trip, but your list can help make sure you don't forget anything important and can help reduce the feeling of, "I'm forgetting something, but don't know what it is." … [Read more...] about Travel Tip: Create a Checklist
Facebook for Kids
Johnathan Fields has a nice article about 14 year olds having Facebook accounts. He really looks at a perspective I hadn't thought of. … [Read more...] about Facebook for Kids
Contratulations Martin
Martin won the ergonomic giveaway. He chose the mousepad with the wrist-rest. We shipped it out to him today. Be watching for another contest with a giveaway. … [Read more...] about Contratulations Martin
Ergonomic Giveaway – Still Time
Just a reminder that there is still time to enter our ergonomic giveaway of some cool Fellowes products. To enter just leave a comment on the post where we interviewed Kevin Butler. We will pick a winner later this week. … [Read more...] about Ergonomic Giveaway – Still Time
Email like gambling
There is an interesting article about how checking your email can be addictive just like gambling. … [Read more...] about Email like gambling
Gift Cards and Bankruptcy
I've seen people talk about using gift cards as a way to save for large purchases. Where I live this doesn't make sense because of the fees that chip away at the value, but some states like California don't have that limitation. Regardless of where you live, gift cards become pretty much worthless if the company goes bankrupt as people who hold gift cards from Sharper Image and The Bombay Company are learning. If you want to save money, the best place to keep it is in a bank. … [Read more...] about Gift Cards and Bankruptcy
Questions? Call the NYC Library
917-275-6975. That is the number of their reference desk where people are available to answer your questions. If they can't find the answer in five minutes they will direct you to other resources that might be able to help. You can also contact them over chat or email from this page. I'd suggest adding the number to your cell phone so it is handy when the need arises. … [Read more...] about Questions? Call the NYC Library
Webinars? Input Please
I am toying with the ideas of doing a series of webinars on some of the topics we talk about here at Productivity501. The idea would be to bring in some experts for 30 to 45 minute live discussions on particular topics. What do you think? Is this something that would interest you and if so what topics would you like to see covered? (Also if you can recommend a particular webinar product, I'd love to hear what you have found works well for you.) … [Read more...] about Webinars? Input Please
Interesting Reading on Calling/Visiting Cards
Calling cards are basically personal business cards. Brett and Kate have written a nice introduction to calling cards. Time magazine also wrote a short piece talking about how they are coming back. Evidently the Marines art still using calling/visiting cards today. … [Read more...] about Interesting Reading on Calling/Visiting Cards
Sneaker Net Should be Extinct
If you are still shuffling files back and forth on floppies, USB drives or CDs it is well worth your time to investigate other options. The investment in figuring out how to share files over the network in your home or office will save you a tremendous amount of time in the future. Here are two useful articles on setting up sharing. One for OS X and one for Windows. … [Read more...] about Sneaker Net Should be Extinct
Windows on a Mac
If you use a Mac, but need to run windows programs you have two options. Bootcamp (requires a reboot to change OS) and something like Fusion or Parallels (runs Windows in a box on top of OS X). I've been using Fusion and am very happy with it, but I've found that XP performs much much better than Vista in this environment. If you want to run Windows on top of OS X, I'd stick with XP for now. … [Read more...] about Windows on a Mac
Best Productivity Blog
What is your second favorite personal productivity site? I'm assuming the Productivity501 makes the top of your list. :) Seriously though, what site gives you the most useful practical information on getting more done? Leave the URL in the comments and a brief note about how the site helps you. … [Read more...] about Best Productivity Blog
Skype for Tech Support Calls
When I call a tech support line, I usually use Skype. This keeps my other lines free and gives me the greatest freedom to stay on hold if necessary. I don't have to worry about my cell phone battery going dead or tearing through hundreds of cell phone minutes that could be put to better use elsewhere. With a reasonably comfortable headset, I can continue to do other work while waiting to speak with a support representative. … [Read more...] about Skype for Tech Support Calls
Cluttered Work Environment
When our working environment is cluttered, our minds are cluttered. --Len Merson I generally consider this statement true, but wondered what you think. Do you require a clean workspace in order to have clear thought processes? … [Read more...] about Cluttered Work Environment
Business Liability Webinar
If you have or are considering starting a business, you'll want to checkout Legal Andrew's webinar tomorrow. He is going to talk about using business structures to protect your personal assets. The cost is $9 for the hour long webinar. With the included Q&A, the webinar is a tremendous value for business owners. … [Read more...] about Business Liability Webinar
Destroying Magazines
I find that magazines are much more useful once you recognize that it is ok to tear pages out of them. Rip out the articles that you think look interesting and take them with you to read while waiting. Once you finish reading an article you can throw it away. An article that you read and toss is worth far more than one sitting on a shelf that you never have time to read. … [Read more...] about Destroying Magazines
Deep Decluttering
One of the most effective methods of decluttering is to move everything out and then just put back what you need. The next time you need to clean your office, the kitchen cabinets, or a closet, consider moving everything out as your first step. Get a three large boxes. One for stuff that goes back, one for stuff that gets thrown away and one for stuff that should go elsewhere. Most people find it is easier to organize when the items have already been removed. It helps keep you from leaving something that belongs elsewhere. … [Read more...] about Deep Decluttering
You can add Productivity501 as a friend on: StumbleUpon, Digg, YouTube, and Vimeo … [Read more...] about Friends
Fat People to Pay $25 Per Month
Back in May I mentioned American Airline's new charge for checked luggage and asked if people would mind paying for their flight based on their weight. In the comments many people thought this was discrimination against people with a "disability". Well Alabama is now going to charge fat people $25 per month for insurance unless they are working at shedding the extra pounds. They have a pretty generous definition of who is fat enough to pay the fee--your BMI has to be over 35 (30 is usually considered obese). If you are 5'6" that means you are probably over 220 pounds. They already charge $24 per month to smokers. What would you think if your insurance gave you $25 for being at a healthy … [Read more...] about Fat People to Pay $25 Per Month
GTD in Outlook
Samkale has some great tips for people wanting to follow a GTD type system using Outlook. The post includes some solid ideas for organizing and categorizing information and then shows several scripting examples for making things work faster. … [Read more...] about GTD in Outlook
International Travel and Credit Cards
If you are traveling out of the country, be sure to call your credit card company and have them place a note on your account regarding your trip. If their computers suddently see a bunch of activity internationally it is likely to trigger the fraud alerts. Letting them know ahead of time won't guarantee that it won't get cut off, but it can help. In my experience American Express is less likely be cut off than Visa or Mastercard. … [Read more...] about International Travel and Credit Cards
Laptop for taking Notes
Unclutter posted an article about using a laptop to take notes at college. I tend to disagree. It is hard to beat a pen and paper for taking notes. One thing that is commonly overlooked is how different tools exercise your mind. When you work on the computer it uses substantially different parts of your brain than when you write with pen and paper. (I don't know what happens if you use a typewriter.) Since so much research and writing papers is done on the computer, taking notes by hand allow you to interact with the content in as many different parts of the brain as possible. What do you think? Is a laptop an effective way to take notes in a classroom? … [Read more...] about Laptop for taking Notes
EVDO Card for Productivity
I am posting this note from the road. My wife is driving and I'm busy answering emails and arranging work with collegues from my laptop. The thing that makes this possible is a Sprint EVDO card. From a productivity standpoint, it is well worth the $60 per month. It more than pays for itself if I'm able to squeeze in an extra 30 minutes of work each month. … [Read more...] about EVDO Card for Productivity
Skype Now Sends Caller ID
Several months ago I tried using Skype and it wouldn't allow you to display your Skype-In number as the caller id to people you were calling. This was frustrating and I even sent a letter to the CEO of Skype about it. However, as Hayden Tompkins pointed out, this now works--I just hadn't checked it since it was fixed. You may have to manually enable it, but logging into your account and going into the Caller ID preferences. This is a great improvement because many people will just ignore calls that say UNKNOWN or from strange looking numbers. … [Read more...] about Skype Now Sends Caller ID
Skype Shortcoming
The biggest problem with using Skype occurs when you call out. Instead of seeing your number for Caller ID, the person you are calling will see 0123456789 or a random telephone number. Has anyone found a way to work around this and get it to display your dial back number? … [Read more...] about Skype Shortcoming
Cell Phones and Sleep
Some experiments seems to suggest that using a cell phone before going to bed can make it more difficult to fall asleep. It seems that the radio waves can mess with the mind and excite it. The effect is fairly subtle and is about equivalent to drinking half a cup of coffee, but still something to consider if you are having trouble going to sleep. … [Read more...] about Cell Phones and Sleep
Trademark Webinar
Legal Andrew is doing a webinar that covers trademark issues. If you have a company this would probably be well worth your time to check out. If you are a reader of Productivity501 the webinar is free. (Ok so it is actually free for everyone.) … [Read more...] about Trademark Webinar
Add Cucumbers to your Diet
If you are wanting to reduce your daily calories, consider eating a few cucumbers for their high mass, low calorie benefits. An entire pound of cucumbers will only give you 50 calories, so they are a simple way to get full without adding calories to your diet. … [Read more...] about Add Cucumbers to your Diet
What Magazines Do You Read
I'd like to hear from readers about what magazines and publications you regularly read. Please leave a comment with a list of the publications you feel are worth your time. I am currently subscribed to: Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Science Illustrated, Mind, and Kiplinger Letter. … [Read more...] about What Magazines Do You Read
Trained Smelling Bees
Scientists are training bees to smell certain diseases. The bees are then used to recognize whether or not someone has a particular disease by smelling their breath. This is a far cry from the little hand held scanner StarTrek predicted we'd have, but it demonstrates a valuable lesson. Don't get so caught up in looking for high tech solutions that you overlook simple, but very effective low tech opportunities. … [Read more...] about Trained Smelling Bees
A few useful links
Unclutterer has some photos of a wall mounted laptop desk from Ikea. It looks like it would be useful in homes where you are short on space. GetRichSlowly examines some of the changes people are making due to high gas prices and considers getting a scooter. LIfeClever looks at some tools to help you focus on a single window in OS X. … [Read more...] about A few useful links
Take a Nap for Memory
Studies suggest that your memories are solidified while you sleep. Your brain does a lot of work during your rest--almost like it is busy filing and making sense of everything you've discovered while you were awake. When you've learned a new concept or information that you want to retain, consider taking a nap or reviewing it right before going to bed. This will give your brain the best chance to assimilate the new information. … [Read more...] about Take a Nap for Memory
Pre-Charged Batteries
Duracell sent me a few of their new pre-charged batteries to try out. The idea is that people don't purchase rechargable batteries because they need to use them right away. In the past you couldn't pre-charge Ni-Cad rechargeable batteries because they would lose their charge while sitting on the shelf. The new pre-charged batteries seem to overcome this problem which also means you can charge up the batteries and not use it for awhile without losing power. I'm still testing them out to write up a better review of their performance. Duracell seems light on stats for the batteries with most of their efforts going into marketing based on humor, however the product seems good and will … [Read more...] about Pre-Charged Batteries
Mobile Me Email Down for a week.
My .mac (now Mobile Me) email has be non functional since last Friday. I can't believe a company with the resources of Apple can't get an email server fixed in 4 to 6 hours much less a whole week. Walt Mosberg says the other services aren't very reliable either. I had been told that they were storing all incoming emails in a queue, but when I asked them if they could print out my emails and fax them to me (I know that is insane, but they weren't offering me anything useful and being down for a whole week is even more crazy than faxing emails) I found out that their servers are simply rejecting incoming connections so after four days they will be returned as undeliverable. At this point, … [Read more...] about Mobile Me Email Down for a week.
iPod Shuffle Giveaway on Twitter
If you use twitter, you might want to enter our iPod Shuffle giveaway. Ends in 4 hours. You simply retweet the linked message and make sure you are signed up as a follower of Productivity501. Good luck! … [Read more...] about iPod Shuffle Giveaway on Twitter
“Free” Color Printers Warning
If you've seen Textronic/Xerox's offer for a free color printer, take a look at this post before signing up. … [Read more...] about “Free” Color Printers Warning
Add Productivity501 as a Friend
You can add Productivity501 as a friend on: StumbleUpon, Digg, YouTube, and Vimeo … [Read more...] about Add Productivity501 as a Friend
We have number of contests going on right now. The Belkin Concealed Powerstrip Giveaway, the Bento Software Giveaway, and the Fruitfultime Software Giveaway are all still open for entries. Each contest has a different way to enter so be sure to check them all out. If you have any suggestions for future, prizes, please leave them on this post. … [Read more...] about Contests
Server for Productivity501
If you are looking for a dedicated server, be sure to checkout Server Pronto. Productivity501 has been hosted there for quite some time now and I've been very happy with their value. There aren't many places you can get a dedicated server for less than $30 per month. (If you sign up using the link, it helps support this site.) … [Read more...] about Server for Productivity501
Tasks Everyday
I briefly spoke with Suvidh from TasksEveryday about their virtual assistant services. A full time VA from them runs $1116.20 per month. For a MBA, the cost is just under $3,000 per month. They were featured in a short piece on CNN and the video is on the front page of their site. … [Read more...] about Tasks Everyday
IndyMac Bank Failure
With the IndyMac failure, we've had quite a few people reading a previous post about the NetBank failure. If you had money in IndyMac, it would be interesting to hear about what the procedure was to get your money from FDIC. … [Read more...] about IndyMac Bank Failure
Belkin Contest
We are 114 people away from giving away the Belkin Concealed Powerstrip. … [Read more...] about Belkin Contest
Previous Post: Technology Users
With the launch of the 3G iPhone, I thought it was a fitting time to point to one of this site's first posts called Two Type of Technology Users. … [Read more...] about Previous Post: Technology Users
Tutorial Sites
Dumb Little Man has a nice list of sites with tutorials for various things. I've made use of these types of sites when I need to do something tricky in Photoshop or some other piece of software where I don't have a lot of experience. … [Read more...] about Tutorial Sites
Password Chart
Password Chart is an interesting method to generate secure passwords. You give it a "master" password which is used to generate a chart that maps single letters to one or more letters. You then just type in the name of the service you need a password for, and it will turn that into a password. Be sure to checkout our 10 Tips for Creating Secure Passwords. … [Read more...] about Password Chart
Prius vs. BMW
Some time ago, I wrote about how we are very bad at making cost vs. benefit decisions and illustrated it with the cost benefit of hybrid vehicles and later with the total energy consumption of hybrids. If you enjoyed those discussions, you might be interested in real test between a BMW and a Prius conducted by the London Times. … [Read more...] about Prius vs. BMW