One way to realize great savings is to simply ask for a discount. For example, when we were getting ready for our daughter to be born we asked the hospital if we could have a discount for paying the entire fee up front. They gave us 20% off what we would have paid otherwise.
I’ve generally had good luck asking for discounts. Here are some tips to follow:
- Make sure you have something to offer – If you can pay in cash, but in bulk or offer some other type of incentive it is easier for the person selling to want to negotiate with you.
- Be prepared to walk away – If the sales person realizes that you might not make the purchase you have much better bargaining power. I’ve had car salesmen turn down my offer and then coming running after me with a change of heart as I walked out the door.
- Don’t be argumentative – The ideal offer is a win win for both parties. If they don’t agree to your proposal, you should still be nice. If you don’t like the price walk away.
- Ask for upgrades – Sometimes they can’t budge on price, but they may be able to do something else. For example a car salesman might be able to give you an upgrade on the stereo or a free oil change. Sometimes an upgrade would be valuable for you, but cost them very little.
Asking for discounts can be a little tricky, but with some practice it can add up to significant savings. You usually have nothing to lose so there is no reason to stop practicing.
What type of luck have you had asking for discounts?
Good management of your finances can have one of the biggest impacts on your productivity because it determines how efficient you convert your time into money into the things you need. On Wednesdays we are discussing the financial aspect of productivity. Watch for more Wednesday financial posts in the future.
Sweet! I never thought about asking for a discount with a hospital.
I recently upgraded our cable modem plan. They first quoted something like $60 per month. I asked if there were any specials available, and they ended up giving it to me for $43 per month. Little savings like that add up over the year.
I use to work at a hospital. A very large percentage of their bills go uncollected. The bills they do collect on are often reduced by insurance or the government. If someone walks in and offers to pay cash up front they are usually very interested. It is cheaper for them to give you a large discount than run the risk that insurance will take a 20% discount (or more) or that you won’t end up paying the entire bill.
That is quite a discount on the cable. That reminds me–I’ve been meaning to call my cable company. :)
I complained to Sprint about poor service and they gave me $20 off my bill for the next 2 years. With a few other discounts and some free services thrown in, I’m having a hard time complaining. I still think their service leaves something to be desired, but I’m paying $80 for what use to cost me $130 with AT&T. When every I get frustrated with Sprint I think, “AT&T’s customer service wasn’t $50 per month better.”
Yeah! I really appreciate with the tips given by you. We should always update with the terms and conditions of pharmacist companies. Generally the give some discounts at print rates. We should insured with the insurance companies by taking health plans or in any means.