Have you ever wished you could tune out background noise–maybe to drown out an annoying co-worker or just to stay focused? I know a lot of people use music for this, but personally I find music divides my concentration (a possible side effect of my training in music theory and composition). To help concentrate I need something that will stay in the background. Trying a bunch of sounds, I’ve found that water seems to be the most effective. Someday I’ll probably get a fountain for my office, but until then I’ve created an MP3 file to help me concentrate.
I’m making the file available as a special bonus to RSS and Email subscribers. If you’d like to download it, just subscribe to the RSS feed using your favorite feed reader or using the Email subscription box in the upper right hand corner of the site. You’ll find the download link at the bottom of any post or email.
The file is 10 minutes long and you can set it to loop with most MP3 players in order to get continuous sound. Try using it next time you are being distracted by sound and see if it helps you focus.
Update: We have created several more files that are much higher quality including hour long files that are available for sale.
Thanks for sharing!
And now that I have managed to download this, I thank you. It helps.
Thanks, very nice, however I hear kind of a metallic sound when using headphones; for me it is much better to use speakers.
Definitively useful!
I must a complete noob at this, but when I clicky the link in my emails from you it plays the mp3 in a new tab and doesn’t offer a download. am I doing something wrong? Please help!
@Toby – Try right clicking on the link and telling it to download it or save it. Also in the new tab, you may be able to click on it and tell it to save it to your disk (depending on what player you are actually playing it with).
Quick note: Your tag, “contentration” is misspelled.