Productivity501 is a site dedicated to bringing you regular tips and tricks to help increase your personal productivity. This site focuses on original content so the publication schedule is a little slower than other blogs out there. Generally we try to have at least one new article each week, but the focus is on posting when we have something that will benefit our readers.
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Mark Shead – I help companies use technology to enable their business ideas. While this usually involves software engineering, some of the biggest challenges come in creating ways of working that will give the best return on investment. This blog is a place where I can share ideas that help me be more effective in my practice that (hopefully) will be useful to others as well. Most of my formal education has been in music composition and software engineering.

For more information about me personally, please visit:
- Mark Shead’s Profile
- Mark Shead’s Blog
- Mark Shead Facebook
- Mark Shead’s Twitter Stream
- Mark Shead G+
- Mark Shead’s Profile
- Mark Shead’s Harvard Site
- Mark Shead’s Videos
You can contact me by email at mark (at) productivity501 (dot) com.
Productivity501 does have advertising available but we are pretty selective in what we accept. We have over 20,000 RSS subscribers and 75,000 to 125,000 page views per month. If you think your product is a good fit for our audience, please contact us. Ads are shown at the top of each post on the site and in the RSS feed. The ads consist of a small image, text and up to three links.
- $275 per month – Ad at top of each RSS entry (maximum of two simultaneous advertisers)
- $225 per month – Ad at top of each blog post for non-search engine visitors (maximum of two simultaneous advertisers)
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