About a year ago, I put together a listing 30 or 40 free podcasts of lectures from Universities. When I started putting together another list, I was amazed at how many more lectures are available. The lectures in this list are all free and don’t require any type of authentication–you don’t have to be a student to download them. The links are to the rss feed of class lectures. If you copy the URL and in iTunes click on Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast it will automatically download the lectures and new ones as they become available.
I was hoping to find the Physics of Superheros in the list or a Pottery lecture. Maybe next year. Also be sure to checkout our study tips for students and our simple memorization technique.
Here is the complete list of 145 podcasts for your educational pleasure:
- Advanced C Programming ECE264
Purdue University - Advanced instructional Development EDCI672
Purdue University - Advanced Network Administratoin 150-103
Southwest Tech - Air Traffic Control AT369
Purdue University - Algebra and Trig II MATH154
Purdue University - American Environmental and Cultural History ESPM 160AC
Berkeley - American Government and Politics POL101
Purdue University - American Society SOC312
Purdue University - Anatomy and Physiology Biology 2120
College of St. Scholastica - Anatomy and Physiology 806-177
Southwest Tech - Applied Fluid Mechanics Seminar AS.360.605
John Hopkins University - Applied Information Security 150-116
Southwest Tech - Applied Leadership OLS274
Purdue University - Applied Leadership OLS274G
Purdue University - ATC Procedures and Weather AT285
Purdue University - Automatic Identification and Data Capture IT345
Purdue University - Aviation AT999
Purdue University - Aviation Infrastucture AT300
Purdue University - Basic Pharmaceutics I IPPH362
Purdue University - Behavioral Endocrinology AS.200.344
John Hopkins University - Behavorial Neuroscience Laboratory PSYCH116
UCLA - Biochemistry 307 BCHM307
Purdue University - Biological Chemistry I MCMP304
Purdue University - Biology for Elementary School Teachers BIOL205
Purdue University - Biometrics and Pharmaceutical Analysis MCMP311
Purdue University - Chemical Eng Seminar EN.540.600
John Hopkins University - Child Psychology PSY235
Purdue University - Clinical Psychology Psych 130
Berkeley - Common Prescription Medications PHPR476
Purdue University - Computer Concepts 107-106
Southwest Tech - Computer Science 1 CS1
UCLA - Computer Software 107-110
Southwest Tech - Cost Control in Foodservice and Lodging HTM341
Purdue University - Drugs and Behavior Psych 119
Berkeley - Earthquakes in Your Backyard EPS 20
Berkeley - Elementary Psychology PSY120
Purdue University - Elements of Linguistics SLHS227
Purdue University - English 200 ENG200
Western Kentucky University - English 200 ENG200
Western Kentucky University - Equine Medicine & Surgery VCS508
Purdue University - European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present History 5
Berkeley - Exploring Liberal Arts AS.450.749
John Hopkins University - Film As Literature ENG1154
College of DuPage - Food Analysis FS651
Purdue University - Food Chemistry FS650
Purdue University - Foundations of American Cyberculture Art 23
Berkeley - Fundamentals of Biology I BIOL110
Purdue University - Fundamentals of Biology II BIOL111
Purdue University - General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MCB 110
Berkeley - General Biology Bio 1A
Berkeley - General Biology I AS.020.151
John Hopkins University - General Biology Lab Bio 1AL
Berkeley - General Chemistry CHM111
Purdue University - General Chemistry CHM115A
Purdue University - General Chemistry CHM115E
Purdue University - General Chemistry CHM115M
Purdue University - General Chemistry CHM115T
Purdue University - General Chemistry CHM116
Purdue University - General Chemistry for Engineers CHM123
Purdue University - General Human Anatomy IB 131
Berkeley - General Psychology Psych 1
Berkeley - Geometric Optics VisSci 203A
Berkeley - Heat Transfer ME 109
Berkeley - Hindi Language Hindi 102
NC State University - History 119 HIST119
Western Kentucky University - History of Information InfoSys C103
Berkeley - History of Photography PHOTO1105
College of DuPage - History of Psychology PSY401
City University of New York - Human Development II PSY216
City University of New York - Human Emotion Psych 156
Berkeley - Indians of North America ANTH379
Purdue University - International Politics AS.190.213
John Hopkins University - Internet Foundations, Technologies & Development CGT141
Purdue University - Intro to Chemistry I CHM125
Purdue University - Intro to Inorganic Chemistry CHM241
Purdue University - Intro to Network Communications 150-101
Southwest Tech - Intro to Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Care PHPR312
Purdue University - Intro to Physiol Psych AS.200.141
John Hopkins University - Introduction to Academic Programs at Purdue GS119
Purdue University - Introduction to Agriculture AGR101
Purdue University - Introduction to Agriculture AGR101H
Purdue University - Introduction to Aviation AT100
Purdue University - Introduction to Chemistry Chem 1A
Berkeley - Introduction to Computers IDS 110
Berkeley - Introduction to Educational Technology and Computing EDCI270
Purdue University - Introduction to General Astronomy Astro 10P
Berkeley - Introduction to General Astronomy Astro C10 / LS C70U
Berkeley - Introduction to Human Nutrition NS 10
Berkeley - Introduction to Nonviolence PACS 164A
Berkeley - Introduction to Philosophy PHIL103
City University of New York - Introduction to Sociology SOC1100
College of DuPage - Introduction to Solar System Astronomy AST161
Ohio State University - Introduction to Statistics Stat 2
Berkeley - Introductory Pharmacology PHPR202
Purdue University - Introductory Physics Physics 8B
Berkeley - Introductory Sociology SOC100
Purdue University - Introductory Sociology SOC100T
Purdue University - Life Sciences 15 LS15
UCLA - Local Area Networks 150-117
Southwest Tech - Machine Structures CS 61C
Berkeley - Macroeconomic Analysis Econ 100B
Berkeley - Management 333 MG333
Western Kentucky University - Management of Professional Practice PHAD464
Purdue University - Mechanical Engineering Design ME 102
Berkeley - Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology I MCMP407
Purdue University - Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology II MCMP441
Purdue University - Microbiology 806-197
Southwest Tech - Microeconomics ECON251
Purdue University - Modeling Dynamic Control EN.540.409
John Hopkins University - Molucules & Cells EN.580
John Hopkins University - Nursing 2107 NUR2107
College of DuPage - Nutritional sciences FS652
Purdue University - Open Source Development and Distribution of Digital Information: Technical, Economic, Social, and Legal Perspectives InfoSys 296A-2 / Law276.8
Berkeley - Operating Systems and Systems Programming CS 162
Berkeley - Oral Communication in Contemporary Society SPCH101
City University of New York - Pathophysiology and Therapeutics II CLPH572
Purdue University - Personal Finance CSR342
Purdue University - Personal Finance and Consumer Economics ECON1110
College of DuPage - Pharmacy in the Health Care System PHAD343
Purdue University - Pharmacy Orientation I PHPR100
Purdue University - Physics for Future Presidents Physics 10
Berkeley - Poetry ENG1152
College of DuPage - Principles of Drug Information CLPH567
Purdue University - Principles of Economics ECON210
Purdue University - Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition FN202
Purdue University - Principles of Information Security 150-115
Southwest Tech - Principles of Pharmacy Practice CLPH469
Purdue University - Properties of Materials Eng 45
Berkeley - Proust & Philosophy AS.300.335
John Hopkins University - Psychology 0-0
Southwest Tech - Republicanism AS.190.422
John Hopkins University - Shakespeare ENG2228
College of DuPage - Short Fiction ENG1150
College of DuPage
Thank you for this list! All of these lectures are interesting! Thank you.
Here is a great series on architecture from UNC — it covers theory, design, history in an interview format (fantastic guests)
Thats a nice lisr. Great work.
Nice list – shame you couldn’t include the parent URL for each as not all of us have access to (or want to use) RSS.
Havent worked out how to listern to a lecture. Do I need an itune thingy or can I listern to them via my PC.
Shau Sha – Sorry I couldn’t give a home page url for each one, but many of the feeds I found didn’t have a home page or listing of the lectures. I think some of theses are only referenced from internal login systems like blackboard, so there isn’t a home page available. You should be able to get the links from the RSS feed in firefox 2.0 pretty easily.
John — Copy the rss URL (right click on it and say copy this link), then go to iTunes > Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast and past the URL in the box. Also if you have Firefox 2.0 it will show you a list of the audio files so you can download them directly.
Thanks for putting the list together. I found this on digg and i’ve already subscribed to some feeds.
Full list of Berkeley’s podcasts:
Fall 06:
Spring 06:
Or just go to Berkeley on iTunes U:
Johns Hopkins University Podcast: http://podcasting.jhu.edu/
JHU — Thanks for the link. I’ve added all of the John Hopkins podcasts to the list as well.
Something that I missed seeing: math classes.
Otherwise: thanks for the list.
Can i provide a shameless plug for podcasts from the University of Warwick.
Tom–thanks for the link to the Warwick podcasts. I didn’t include them in the list because they aren’t full semester lectures. They look like they are just individual podcasts about specific topics. For a lot of people that may be even more interesting than listening to an entire semester on the same topic.
It looks like a great resource though and I’m going to subscribe to it. Thanks for posting the link.
I recently found a very interesting website:
There you can purchase ad space for your Blog etc.
This is also a great site with a ton of public affairs lecutures on many subjects from famous academics, politicians, authors, and scientists.
Video, podcasts and even transcripts. Check it out.
This is also a great site with a ton of public affairs lecutures on many subjects from famous academics, politicians, authors, and scientists.
Video, podcasts and even transcripts. Check it out.
This is also a great site with a ton of public affairs lecutures on many subjects from famous academics, politicians, authors, and scientists.
Video, podcasts and even transcripts. Check it out.
Is there a way to easily subscribe via iTunes or can you only access these through the RSS feed.
Don’t know if this would interest you or not. It is a Podcast of guest speakers at the University of San Francisco: http://www.thembapodcast.com Some of the presentations are awesome like the one from AT&T’s CEO Chuck Smith!
McGill University also has some publicly-available podcasts of complete course lectures: http://courseware.mcgill.ca/lectures/. They’re organized by term and past podcasts are still accessible from the site. It’s great to have a list like this but it would be awesome to be able to search by subject, term, prof… How scalable is a list of this sort?
We have a podcast of our lecture series on long term thinking including speakers like: Brian Eno, Will Wright, Jared Diamond, Sam Harris and more…
This is awesome! Would you please correct all the “John Hopkins University entries to “Johns Hopkins University”, though?
Great list. I am currently listening to Professor Richard Pogge’s Astronomy 161 from http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast161/Audio/ . Didn’t see it on your page; perhaps you can add it.
To answer some how-to questions above, someone on another site told me I can DL the MP3’s by going to the XML page and finding them individually and downloading them by entering that in the address line of my browser.
My friend is going to write me a little program, though, to harvest those links from the XML page and download all the MP3s with a many less mouse clicks, though. This will be a bit of open source coding, btw.
Great list. Thanks.
i dunno ha ha boom boom i like the downloads he he he there good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dunno ha ha boom boom i like the downloads he he he there good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic site. Very good podcasts. I have added this link to my site as students will find it fascinating.
Great job on the list of courses. There are a bunch on the MIT Open CourseWare website.
All the Purdue links are dead. I highly recommend the Physics for Future Presidents offered by Berkeley. The professor did an amazing job and it was never dry.
The Ohio State Astronomy course is good as well.
One subject that I noticed was sorely missing from this list was any Art classes. Like Art History or Theory.
Thanks for the list,
Has anyone downloaded all of Purdue’s Applied Leadership lectures. I was stupid and didn’t download all of them when I had the chance. I loved the lectures, but only have about 1/4 of them. If you could upload them to an FTP or web site I’d love ’em.
Can anyone HELP ME?
I fell in love with the OLS274 Applied Leadership lectures. Unfortunately, I downloaded about half of them before the site was disabled. Can you give me access to just that course, or direct me to where I could get them? I would pay for them, because they are incredible!
Thanks in advance,
Ryan – I don’t have the lectures you are wanting. If they do the classes again, you may be able to download them at that time.
I’ll let you know if I find them anywhere else online.
All the John Hopkins Podcasts REQUIRE an authenicated IP address.
Therefore, these podcasts are no longer available to people outside the IP address range of John Hopkins folks.
Some additional podcasts from the University of California, San Diego: http://podcast.ucsd.edu/
Thank you for posting these podcast s. The web has great potential for free education and this site is a great tool. Your effort is a valuable contribution and I hope many other talented people will help bring a new form of free education into reality.
Some topics are timely and others remain pertinent regardless of time. Hopefully that distinction will also be added to compilations of academic podcast s as well as categorization of topic material.
No need to reply as this is really a thank you for your great work.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask permission, to print-shot this page for my powerpoint presentation. I am an A Level student, and I am currently taking up an ICT GCE Course. This course consists of putting examples into a presentation of different uses of communication. The slide I am currently doing is Podcasts and therefore need some evidence to back it up.
Please reply as soon as possible.
No problem. You can put it on a slide if you like. Keep in mind that it is an older post and the links may not be good anymore.
I recently found this blog posts, and quite interesting, I’ve read many today. But as I came to this one, I could not get the links to work, they always took me to a different ‘error’ page. Even with iTunes open, I couldn’t get them to work. Any help would be appreciated.
This is an old post and many of the podcasts have been moved or locked down now. You might try looking for iTunes U and see what you can find there. Also look for MITs Open Courseware.
Can’t seem to access Proust and Philosophy. Tried everything even John Hopkins website. What to do?
This is an older post so a number of those podcasts may have been moved.